The official website of
Mpho Makwana

The official website of
Mpho Makwana
I am Mpho Makwana. Welcome to my website. I have been active in the formal sector of South Africa's economy for more than 30 years now. In these 33 years I have been to many interesting places and experienced more than a handful of firsts. This website is a portal into the philosophy that has propelled me into leadership positions in boardrooms of top listed companies. I invite you to discover more about how being true to your roots can take you into your future, authentically.
Mpho Makwana - Gosebo 3
Thoughts on Contributive Citizenship.
I am because I have achieved…
Mpho is an accomplished business leader with diverse experiences spanning a period of more than 30 years in executive and C-Suite roles in the public and private sectors.
Read more about Mpho's credentials and what qualifies him to guide you or your board to success.
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Motho Ke Motho ka batho
I am because you are…
Honouring our past to preserve our heritage. Our children are being dislocated spiritually, and their Africanness is being eroded when we don't teach them to celebrate the languages of our ancestors. It is our duty to preserve our heritage.
Read how we can bring this philosophy into the boardroom.
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Opening the doors to let others find their voice
My turn has come to step onto the plate…
My turn has come to step onto the plate - open doors for others - and let them find their voice. I have been to many interesting places and experienced more than a handful of firsts. I am a graduate of the school of hard knocks. I knocked on many doors, which wise mentors opened. Without their guidance I would not be here today. It is my duty to pay this forward.
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